It was awesome building this website as i had so much fun exploring ideas that would attract people to have a more realistic approach to forum and blog columns. Socialism is made of of a big scale industry that links a lot of direction to many information technology and IOIT of things. The view of creating Website 3 series is quite interesting as we explore other ideas and knowledge from a large consistent database of internet productivity.
Forums, blogs, live chat feed, video feeds, blog contributors wanted, photography to purchase, blog search engine!
Enterprize13 OFFERS a platform to collaborate to anyone that is a member, where you have a members page and access to feeds, blogs in which you can write your blogs and post or read other posts, forum topics to chat about like a thread, upload your pictures or artwork, advertise on our website for marketing, Subscribe to access to members content.
Formed in Australia- Enterprize13 is a profit based service and 1.5% of Revenue will go back to Carbon Emissions & 10% to charities and further web developments. Enterprize13 is green considerate and it fond on current affairs and world news, and wants to help others to have a happy and successful life. Every person deserves a chance at a good life.
Enterprize13 has a good heart!
Happy chatting and blog sharing :)
Enterprize13 is the platform of new age. It offers a unique design and effective collaboration to enable users to congregate with other users and engage in content from all over the world. It really brings a new level of web development.